Company registration period in Poland

Registration deadline: up to 2 weeks in case of e-registration, 4-5 weeks in case of notary registration. There are two types of registration Company: Electronic and notary. The difference between these two types of registration is that the e-registration can only be a template charter, developed state. authorities, which includes all the necessary decisions. The notary statute can make further decisions.

There are types of LLC registration in Poland procedures:

e-registration and notary registration. The difference is that in e-registration only standardized charter is allowed. It had been designed by Polish authorities and contains basic information about a company. In notary registration procedure you can add unusual paragraphs. 

Is a remote enterprise establishing possible in Poland?

To save time and money there is a possibility to open a business remote way. You are required to provide set of the documents according to our sample. All the formalities we undertake.

Founders quantity required for LLC registration? Are there advantages in case of two and more shareholders in the company?

When you open a company with two and more shareholders you avoid the obligation to pay social fund fees in amount of approx. 1200 PLN (~300 euro) per month.

Does a stationary office for doing business in Poland required?

There is no obligation to have a stationary office for doing business in Poland. To register a company only a legal address required. For the first year legal address is free.

If a charter capital must be brought at company's account during the registration process? What is the size statutory fund in Poland?

There is an amount of 5000 PLN (about 1,250 euro) of the minimum statutory fund required to register a company in Poland. There is no obligation to bring the statutory fund at company's account in case if the size of statutory fund is 5,000 to 50,000 PLN, because it is not checked by Polish authorities.

How does the tax system in Poland looks like?

There is a two-tier taxation system in Poland. General taxes are:

1) CIT 19%  - corporate income tax (tax on company's profit);
2) VAT 23% - Value Added Tax: the basic rate is 23%, decreased 8%, 5% and 0%
3) Tax on dividend payments 19%

How does the VAT-return procedure happens?

There are three procedures for VAT return: accelerated (25 days), standard (60 days) and a long one (180 days). Term of VAT return is measured  from the current period declaration submitting date. VAT returns at the company's bank account.

How does the enterprise's accounting process looks like and how much does it cost?

Accounting is monthly payable and depends on the number of documents to be processed in this month. The average payment rate is 90 euro (gross per 15 documents).

Is it possible to change the company's legal address in future?

Yes, It is. You must notify the court registry about changes.

How long time a Polish visa is issued?

There are two types of visas that can be issued on the basis of registered company: Business Schengen (90/365 issued on the basis of an excerpt from the court registry) and the national Polish visa issued on the basis of a Work Permit. Average visa issuing period is about 7 workdays (started from full set of the documents submission date).

How long does a temporary residence permit procedure take? Does it available for registered in Poland company owners?

You may apply for TRP just after 4-5 months since the company founded. The company must show real activity during this period to obtain residence permit without problems. The procedure of registration takes about 3 months.

Do you offer services on buying ready-made companies with a turnover?

We sell companies with and without a turnover. Price of such companies depends on age of company, its turnover and profit. 

Are there any nuances on beginning a business as a Sole Proprietor in Poland?

Foreigners must have a permanent residence card or a card of the Pole to open a business as a Sole Proprietor in Poland. 

How does the banking system in Poland looks like? What bank is the most desirable to conclude an agreement?

The Polish banking system is stable and regulated hard, so there are many banks where you may open account without fear. A PLN account (Polish currency called "zloty") is required. In addition to PLN account you may also open another currency account.

Does it required to hire employees in the LLC?

Directors may do business on their own without hiring employees in their companies. The whole company's activity may be outsourced, in general, but to obtain a permanent residence permit the presence of hired employees in the company is recommended..

Does the work permit is required to do business in Poland?

Foreigners who are the Board of Directors members may act on behalf of their companies within six months without obligation of having a work permit.

Whether the information about the board of directors members and founders of the company is confidential? 

Under the Polish law  all the information about the founders and members of the Board of Directors of the company appeared in the open court registry and each person can take an extract from the registry.

Does a foreigner may buy real estate in Poland? Does he need any permission? What are the issuing terms?

In accordance with the Law of 24 March 1920 on the Real Estate Acquisition by Foreign Nationals foreigners must obtain a permission to purchase a real estate. This permission is issued by the Minister of Internal Affairs. The permit is issued up to two months. The accommodation property is excluded from the rule.

Are there any restrictions on foreign exchange transactions?
There are no restrictions on foreign exchange operations. The company can put invoices in any currency.

Can the company work with a private person?

The company can work with both private persons and legal entities.

Is it necessary for me to maintain non-cash payments?
The cashless payments are required in case of payments which excess of 15,000 euro.

How does the tax system for private enterprises looks like?

Private enterprises can choose one of two taxation systems: 8.5% of the company's turnover or 19% of the company's profits.

What is the tax on import and export services?

Сustoms duty must be paid at the moment when goods enter to Poland as well as VAT (23% basic rate and reduced rates 8%, 5% 0%). In case of export from the territory of Poland, the so-called services export, the taxation is the same, but the VAT-rate is 0%.

What additional taxes the company must pay except the basic one?

Pension and Social Funds (ZUS) are payable only in case of hired employees. In general, it takes about 35-37% of salary.

What should be the minimum gross turnover of the company? Are there any juridical requirements that the company must perform?

If you don't need to obtain a temporary residence permit so there are no such requirements, even if the company ended its first year with a negative balance. Minimal requirements depend on the kind of company's activity: in case of large company with large turnover and the annual balance sheet showing enterprise losses the relevant government agencies may have questions.

Does a license to do logistic business is required? If so, whether it is valid in the territory of Europe?

You must obtain a license to do logistic activities, which is issued in Poland, that is valid in all EU countries.

What company's documentation is required to be reported and how often it should be submitted?

In the case of both Corporate Income Tax and Value Added Tax each taxpayer may choose a convenient form of reporting: monthly or quarterly. The question is  in the company's work system: the company that conduct a cross-border activity usually choose a monthly VAT-payment system due to the possibility of shorter VAT refund period. 


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