Business registration in Poland - what country to choose?

Business registration in Poland - requires the correct selection of soil for its development - it is an economic and political stability, geographical location, the solvency of the consumer audience and, of course, the loyal attitude of the government to the business sector. From the point of view of all the above factors, Poland is an ideal variant for foreign investment.

Today, business registration in Poland is the prerogative of not only the business of foreigners, but also those, who are just interested in a guaranteed method of settling in the EU.

Even for those, who never had the experience of business activity, Poland offers a very tempting conditions, and it is very difficult to leave them without attention:

  1. Foreign businessmen, who register their own business in Poland, will automatically receive the status of residence permit;
  2. Have a business visa allows foreigners to travel freely on the euro area;
  3. Foreigners have the opportunity to choose any sphere of business and type of organization (LLC, JSC, partnership, fund, etc.);
  4. Registration of business gives the right to hire local staff to work, or to move to Poland with your own staff;
  5. The registration of business in Poland is a chance to work under the simplified taxation scheme and VAT refund;
  6. Loans with low interest rates from the most reliable banks in Europe;
  7. The ability to purchase a production / operational base for the business at a reasonable price;
  8. The ability to engage in international trade without customs duties within the EU;
  9. Foreign brands operate in Poland on equal terms with local producers and their rights are not infringed by the State;
  10. The minimum capital that will be required to business registry in Poland is 1,200 euros - an amount many times lower, than in other EU countries.

Business registration in Poland and its advantages

The Polish government has an open and transparent policy regarding foreign investors - the conditions of the bilateral cooperation do not provide for any unexpected difficulties, which would be worth to fear.

On the contrary, the state is interested in the prosperity of foreign entrepreneurs as much as they want it, because positive business climate in the country supports its overall stability.To date, Poland is a multinational country, attracting businessmen from around the world. Its geographical position is a huge advantage for those, who have decided to establish their business in the Republic.

As a separate advantage of Poland for the implementation of business goals, should be noted, that not all of its business sectors are developed in full. This fact makes it possible for foreigners to find their own niche, and if not to become a monopoly in its field, then at least to take a competitive position.

With the registration of business in Poland and realization of even small business-goals, you will feel a tangible difference between doing business in the native country and abroad. Independence and autonomy will allow you to feel yourself confident and the ability to obtain legally high income will bring the real pleasure of business.

That this is the feature of Poland - it is able to create a comfortable and friendly environment for foreigners, can give them the inspiration to the implementation of new business ideas.If you want to register polish business, contact Oruga Group specialists to get detailed information about the steps of business-immigration.


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