EUR 7 Billion Allocated for EU Transport Infrastructure Projects to Boost Sustainability and Cut Emissions

Brussels, January 5, 2024 - The European Commission has announced a significant allocation of EUR 7 billion under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport program, aimed at financing a wide range of infrastructure projects across the European Union. These projects are set to enhance and expand the European transport network, contributing to the continent's ambitious goal of reducing transport emissions by 90% by 2050, in line with the European Green Deal.

The CEF Transport program's new calls for proposals aim to promote sustainability and resilience in the European transport system. They are aligned with the European Commission's vision for a future-oriented, sustainable transport network that fosters smart solutions for an interconnected Europe.

Key aspects of the European Commission's vision include creating an efficient multimodal transport system for both passengers and freight. This encompasses an affordable, reliable, and high-performance rail network, improved inland waterways navigation, enhanced infrastructure in maritime ports, and fostering balanced interconnectivity among different transport modes. Furthermore, automation and interoperability will be emphasized to enhance the efficiency and safety of the entire transport network.

The latest calls for proposals cover a broad spectrum of areas within the Core and Comprehensive Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), including:

  • Railways
  • Inland waterways
  • Maritime and inland ports
  • Road safety
  • Rail-road terminals
  • Multimodal logistics platforms
  • Multimodal passenger hubs
  • Smart and interoperable applications for transport
  • Safe and secure mobility
  • Infrastructure resilience

In parallel with this funding opportunity, the European Commission is expanding its database of experts and invites individuals with expertise in relevant fields to participate in the evaluation process.

The CEF Transport program plays a pivotal role in funding projects that promote high-performance, sustainable, and interconnected Trans-European transport networks, focusing on the nine Core Network Corridors. Over the years, it has supported over 1,300 projects with a total funding of EUR 29.8 billion in the transport sector, contributing significantly to the development of European infrastructure.

The call for proposals encompasses projects under both the General and Cohesion envelopes of the CEF Transport program, with the European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) overseeing the promotion, evaluation, and implementation of the projects.

EU Transport Infrastructure Fund


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