Invest in Poland: your best business opportunities

Foreign businessmen prefer Poland to make their investments because the country proved to be stable for many years despite the global economic instability. Also, the country has a favorable geographical location, the costs of labor and manufacturing are cheaper here than in any other EU country.

In addition, the national government provides special incentives for investors to encourage them to do business in Poland. There is a special governmental aid for entrepreneurs which can be calculated using the following scheme:

  • 30%-50% of eligible costs for large businesses;
  • 40%-60% of eligible costs for medium businesses;
  • 50%-70% of eligible costs for small businesses.

The priority sectors of Poland investment for the aid are:

  • Aviation
  • Food processing
  • Automotive
  • Biotechnology
  • Electronic
  • R&D

Businesses operating in other sectors may also apply for the governmental aid if their project’s eligible costs are 750 m zlotys and more and they provide at least 200 new jobs or 500 m zlotys with the minimum of 500 new jobs. This is what is called significant investments.

Before making an investment, a businessman should communicate the intention to ask for aid.

Important: an investor must keep his investment in the selected region of five years or more.

Consider hiring a legal consultant who focuses on company formation issues and foreign investment in Poland and can advise on the possibilities available for you.

Special Economic Zones: benefits of investing in Poland regions

To develop certain Polish districts, the government created special economic zones (SEZ) managed by their own administrations. Currently, there are fourteen SEZ in the country. Each one offers preferential terms to businessmen and gives them tax exemptions (income tax, real property tax) if the latter make investments there.

Another benefit which investors get when doing business in one of the SEZ is an opportunity to use land with infrastructure for business. Entrepreneurs can also buy and rent property located on the territory of SEZ, for instance, office premises, call centers, R&D facilities and more.

Finally, SEZ administrations provide legal and organizations support to businessmen.

Note that to start working in a SEZ, an investor must get a special permit. Despite the fact that there are differences in starting a business for EU nationals and residents of non-EU countries, once the whole incorporation procedure is over and all the permits are obtained, investors get equal opportunities for their businesses.

Help available to foreign entrepreneurs

It is advisable to hire a legal consultant who can help foreign businessmen see all possibilities available to them as well as go through all paperwork smoothly.

A foreign businessman may also contact Poland Investment Agency – an organization which was established to attract investments to the country and to support entrepreneurs. The Agency runs projects aimed at helping innovative companies to develop at the Polish market.


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