Why Venture Capital Market in Poland is growing rapidly?

There are currently 130 Venture Capitals Funds that are operating in Poland. And this number increases significantly year from year. In 2019, the entire Poland's market is going to invest 209,2 mln euro in different projects, what is two times more than in 2017.

The most characteristic feature of the Polish startup ecosystem is that the majority of money comes from the local government and European funds.

For example, there are more family offices in Germany, which invest in VC. But step by step the Polish Venture Capital industry is becoming more independent on the government and European funds. However, 52% of available money still comes from the government.

Within only 20 years Poland has transformed into a developed country. This change shows how great a potential is in the Polish market. Also, Poland is known for its good education system, which makes this country especially attractive to foreign investors.

At this moment the Polish startup community is expecting to see a new unicorn, like famous e-commerce platform Allegro. Luckily, there are many candidates to become a worldwide famous successful company very soon. Polish entrepreneurs hopes, it will help Poland to earn a reputation for a country, where great innovative ideas come from.


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