Obtain a Permit for Real Estate Purchase in Poland

How foreigners can buy the property and without a special permit for such actions

Many foreigners acquire property in Poland thanks to the permit which they get in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

First of all, you should know that foreigners in Poland are people who don’t have the Polish citizenship, and also all the companies which were registered in other countries, although they function in Poland. To foreigners, the Poles also include partnerships which consist of citizens of different countries.

Such companies and partnerships can be legal, but they were incorporated on the laws of another country. In other words, their business was registered abroad.

It happens that the company was registered in Poland but is controlled by people who are not Polish citizens (we mean they have over 50% of the votes) or by a company which belongs to another state. But sometimes Polish companies are the property of people from other countries.

From the one hand, such company can be considered as a foreign (according to the law), but from the other hand, in most cases, such companies do not need permission to purchase real estate.

Take into consideration that in the 2004 year was published new information which is connected with the acquisition of property of shares in companies which are owned by foreigners.

The permission is superfluous for the entrepreneurs who have a permanent or temporary residence in European Economic Area. It means that “foreigner” companies are exempt of the obligation of obtaining a permit for real estate purchase (read the article 34 of the treaty of European Economic Area).


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