Poland company formation

Poland is new Germany as concerns investment opportunities. The Poland company creation is the advanced way to make the investment profitable in the shortest terms. Numerous economy growth indicators sustain a positive trend for several years in a row. Poland's investment capacity grows too.  And although the world economic decline has affected Poland a little, it still survived and has shown steady growth in recent years.

Thousands of foreign businessmen open their first company in Poland, the central EU country with the developed economy, advanced labor market as well as transparent and promising business environment.

Poland is the perfect place to start your first business in European Union, and there are a few reasons for that.

Forms of companies in Poland

There are four major types of companies foreign investors may create in Poland:

  1. Sole proprietor – one of the most popular types for the small business foundation. This type of activity is the least regulated and simplest way to conduct business in Poland, but every entrepreneur has unlimited liability, control and responsibility and covers his debts with his own assets.
  2. Partnership (SP.K) – legal entity with at least two members as its owners. There are several forms of partnership, and partners choose the level of responsibility that meets their financial capabilities and control needs.
  3. Joint Stock company (S.A) – the most popular type of business among large companies and corporations. That is complex management system, what include management and supervisory board and requires an independent annual audit. Establishment of such company will cost 100.000 zlotys.
  4. Limited Liability company (Polish sp. z o.o) – the most numerous type of company in Poland. Everyone can conduct Polish company formation whether or not he is a foreigner. To commence LLC in Poland only one owner and 5000 zlotys required.

Company incorporation in Poland

Poland is one of the simplest EU countries for business commence. Transparent conditions of company formation and taxation make it attractive for entrepreneurs from all over the world. Poland's government provides low costs for conducting business:

  • One of the lowest CIT (corporate income tax) in Europe – 19%. Companies providing activity in Special Economic Zones (SEZ) exempt from this tax. Contact our consultants to seek information about SEZs and possibility preferential taxation;
  • Reduced CIT tax rate for small business is 15%;
  • Withholding tax is from 19% (for dividends) to 20% (for royalties and interests);
  • Low costs of banking services;
  • Low labor costs. Despite the high level of education, Poland is still a fairly cheap but large 17-million people European labor market. At the same time, the unemployment rate has reached its historic minimum and continues to decrease.

It takes around 4-6 weeks to register company in Poland. This term includes registration in various state authorities and notary registration. For legal operating every company must be registered and have following certificates:

  • REGON number from National Statistic Agency;
  • KRS number from National Court Registry;
  • NIP number from tax authority;
  • ZUS number (social insurance) for company director;
  • VAT number.

Among other necessary things, every company must register articles of association in electronic or notary form, and operating account in one of the banks in Poland.

Easy company formation in Poland

We support everyone to incorporate a company in Poland. Our experienced lawyers make your company formation simple and comfortable. We take care of all registration problems and may provide company formation just with power of attorney.


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