How to get a PR in Poland

Poland offers several options for individuals willing to constantly reside in the country, including three types of permits to settle – for temporary residence (TRP), for permanent residence (PRP) and long-term EU residence permit.

How to get a Poland TRP

Majority of foreigners start their long-term settlement in Poland TRP. This kind of permit allows living in the country for the period of three months to three years. The following categories of people may obtain a TRP:

  • Students and researchers
  • Skilled workers
  • Employees of Polish or foreign companies
  • Business owners running a firm in Poland (business immigration
  • Victims of human trafficking
  • Individuals that have a family member in Poland
  • Children of foreigners married to Polish citizens.

Note that this list is not complete. It is advisable to acknowledge yourself with the national legislation or hire a legal consultant to find out whether you are eligible for a TRP in Poland.

How to get a Poland PR

Holders of a Polish PRP are allowed to stay in the country for an indefinite period but are required to replace their residence card every 10 years. To convince the authorities to grant you a PRP, you should have strong reasons to reside in Poland for a long period. Here are few circumstances which make a foreigner eligible for a Polish PR card:

One of your parents is a Polish citizen;

  • Your ancestors are Polish;
  • Your partner is a Pole and your marriage lasts for the minimum of three years by the date you apply for a PR. You must also live in the country for two years constantly.
  • You have been staying in the country for more than ten years and cannot go back to your home country because it is dangerous for your life.
  • Poland became your asylum.
  • You are an owner of a Pole’s Card and would like to reside in the country permanently.

How to apply for a permit to settle

To apply for both permits – TRP and PRP, a foreigner must submit a certain set of documents to an Office for Foreigners in the Voivodeship Office at the territory where he or she resides.

Documents for TRP:

  • 2 copies of a TRP application
  • 3 copies of passport and the passport itself
  • 4 photos

Documents for PRP:

  • application form
  • 4 photos
  • passport
  • documents proving information provided in the application form
  • a proof of a stamp duty payment.

You may be required to submit other papers, if necessary. We encourage you to get an assistance of a Polish lawyer who can help you file all the documents and accelerate consideration of your case.

Once you apply for a permit, you will get a stamp in your travel document confirming your legal stay in Poland until you get the decision on your case. Note that you cannot travel with the stamp and if you leave Poland you will need a visa to re-enter the country.

How long does the revision process take?

Usually, it takes one month for a Voivode to review the documents. However, there are situations which require special attention and investigation. In such a case you will get a notification specifying reasons for the delay as well as the new deadline.

Note that your residence permit will be withdrawn if you provide false information in your application, submit fake documents or violate the Polish legislation.


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