Purchase Shelf Companies In Poland

It is preferable to purchase a shelf company in Poland than incorporating a new company. Polish shelf companies are very popular among investors, especially foreign investors who plan to launch their business in Europe in short of time.

A shelf company is a corporation that has been left dormant businesswise since its creation. 

One of the requirements for acquiring a shelf company in Poland is an official recognition of the signatures under the shares transfer agreement by the notary. Purchasing a shelf company in Poland does not take much time, compared to incorporating a company in Poland. 

A shelf company can be purchased in 24 hours, given that there are no constraints during the process of acquisition.  A drawback to acquiring a shelf company is that it requires a greater financial power than it would take when incorporating a company. Shelf company for sale in Poland is a very common business solution and it is widely accepted among international investors.

It is advised that you shall be prudent when acquiring a shelf company since no business transaction has been done under its name.

What can we do for you?

Buy a Shelf Company from Oruga Group

A polish shelf company refers to a company that has been enrolled on the Court National Registry. Purchasing a shelf company from Oruga group in a 24-hour period isn’t that difficult. We have a wide range of Polish shelf companies available for sale. Our shelf companies are all excellent for your business kick off, as they are of clean history and have not accumulated any debt in the years of its existence. You can start your business transactions under the shelf company's name immediately after purchase.

Each shelf company we have for sale was set up with a legal address in Poland. Any individual who is interested in doing business with you will want to know how long the company has been in existence. A company that has been around for a long time will have a higher reputation than a company that was set up recently.

Purchasing a Polish shelf company from Oruga Group is very easy. You are guaranteed with a lot of benefits doing business from a company that has been registered for a long period of time. We have a catalogue of shelf companies for you to choose from, and you are assured of receiving all necessary documents immediately after the purchase.

Service of shelf company sale in Poland include:

  •     Preparation and submission of required documents 
  •     Notary services
  •     Translation services
  •     Legal support
  •     Assistance in bank account opening
  •     Consulting

Prices - starting from 1200 euro, changes to the statute are not included

  • The cost does not include the statutory fund.
  • The cost of changes depends on the number of board members and founders, and  quantity of other changes, such as an increase in the share capital, changes to the statute.
  • The cost include virtual office service for one year.

If you are interested in buying a shelf company in Poland, or plan to set up a new company, we guarantee that the registration process or purchase of the company will not only be more efficient but also more secure with the help of our specialists at Oruga Group. 

Give us a call or write to us today, and get your business solution in Poland & European Union.
Call us: +48 606 332 808    Email us: info@orugagroup.com


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