Poland company register: the details of the procedure

More and more often, citizens other countries who have a lot of ideas for business, can’t realize them at home. Somewhere the reason is in taxes, somewhere in opacity or in a general economic environment. Increasingly, Ukrainians choose to conduct business Poland, in a country with an understandable and transparent system of entrepreneurship.

We are happy to inform you that today the company registration in Poland is available to foreigners. After all, the country offers the best conditions for doing business, the owner of which is a person from another country.

Among the available forms of the companies, the most interesting is the limited liability company (Spółka z o.o). The opening of such an organization in Poland allows you to practice almost any activity if it does not contradict the legislation of the country. That is why most of the foreigners prefer this type of companies.

Company registration in Poland

The entrepreneur can do everything himself(herself), but many people prefer to ask for the professional help. In this case, it is very important to avoid mistakes. Even a small mistake can cost you a lot of money. If you choose the services of Oruga Group company, you can keep calm as the best specialists and best lawyers will be cooperating with you.

Many people are interested: how much cost to register company in Poland? But first of all, you should select the scope of activities and check the name of your company for originality and accessibility. For registration company in Poland, you need only a valid passport. Pay attention that registration is possible both with personal presence and by proxy, executed by our lawyer. The price for our services always depends on the on the selected business package. Remember that registration your company in Poland will also allow you to embody your business ideas on the European market very quickly.

Registration Procedure

The most important document is a notarial act. This document will contain the following information:

  • the name of the company;
  • the type of activity of your company;
  • money capital;
  • how many shares there are for different shareholders, what is their price.

Then you write an application for registration of your company in the court register, after which you receive a number REGON. Next, you need to complete the registration process with the tax authorities.

Among the shortcomings of such registration, we note a relatively long, painstaking and paper procedure. If you want to avoid any inconveniences and problems, we advise to contact professionals. Our team will do everything for you, including the company formation, and you will be able to get to work in a short time.


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