Purchase and Sale of Ready Made Business in Poland

If you are interested in business in Poland, but do not know how to start, acquisition of an operating business can be a good opportunity to save time and money.

When you purchase ready-made business, you get a company with a steady position in the commercial market. Most of the proposed options already have strong customer database, necessary licenses and permits, contractors, office, and other attributes for a given field of activity.

We will provide you with the most profitable proposal for investment, acquisition or expansion of business.

If you are interested in buying or selling business, please contact our sales department to obtain a list of proposals and align cooperation.

Services for the clients interested in purchase of operating businesses:

  •  Consulting assistance in the best business offer available in the market
  •  Search and organization of the enterprise / business within the stated frame of business objects
  •  Representation of the client’s interests in the negotiations related to the acquisition of business
  •  Approval of sales contract of the enterprise
  •  Minimization of the client's time expenditures
  •  Maximization of the client's profit

Services for the clients interested in sale of operating businesses:

  •  strategic consulting regarding the sale of enterprise 
  •  asset pricing and evaluation of an enterprise
  •  representation of the client’s interests in the negotiations related to the sale of business
  •  approval of sales contract of the enterprise
  •  optimization of the client's profits incidental to the sale of business

If you are interested in buying a ready-made company in Poland or planning to establish a new company in Poland, we guarantee that the registration process or purchase of the company will not only be more efficient but also more secure with the help of Oruga Group sales specialists. Qualified specialists will answer to all your questions and offer favorable conditions of cooperation.


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