Company registration in Poland: features and benefits
Entrepreneurs, who decide to go to Poland and want to open their own business there, should know the basic conditions and information about how the company registration takes place in Poland. Therefore, let's consider what organizational and legal forms allow a person to conduct commercial activities in the presented country, how to register your company here without any problems.
Company registration in Poland often has the opportunity to take place in two forms:
- Presence. In this case, the main necessity is the presence of the founder of the future organization, when signing documents that have a paper basis;
- Electronic. All documentation and register a company in Poland are held in absentia. For the successful promotion of these processes does not require the personal appearance of the person who wants to register.
The second option is considered to be more advantageous. It is loved by customers due to the fact that it is much cheaper than the first and also saves a person's time.
Electronic company registration in Poland is often carried out with the help of many legal institutions, which specialize in serving immigrants that want to do business from countries such as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other States defined by them.
The most popular organizational and legal form of persons of legal format, as well as in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus there are limited liability companies. More common is considered the short form: LLC. In Poland it is called Spółka z o.o.
Polish law has determined that the registration of a company in Poland in this form may be established at will even by one person. Also, there were no restrictions on how many founders can be at all.
Authorized capital of the LLC, registered in Poland amounts to 5 thousand PLN.
How to pass the register of companies in Poland
It is important for the entrepreneur to know a few things that need to be done before conducting the register of companies in Poland.
- You need to make a passport that has a validity period of more than a year.
- You should clearly imagine what kind of activities you want to do.
- It is important to find a specialized institution that could at first, when the registration of the company Poland was passed to help the new company in resolving legal and accounting issues, point to errors, and find options from the resolution. In the future, this company can assume more than 90% of the routine functions that are associated with different paperwork, which is necessary to ensure that the registration of the company Poland was successful.
Such specialized organizations can assist in finding and securing a legal address for the client. In addition to theoretical advice, they will provide you with practical solutions to possible problems.