Company registration in Europe

If a developed business in Europe is already a mission of your enterprise, you can start to get acquainted with the procedure of firm registration yourself, spend time and not achieve the desired result. When you decide to apply for help to experienced lawyers, you get a service within one month with a guarantee and useful advice of professionals.

The law firm Oruga Group is a provider of enterprise registration services in the Europe, sales of existing companies and promotion of business development. You can get these services here without having to be present personally at all phases of the procedures. There are many states in the EU, but why is Poland a priority?

What is the advantage of register a European company in Poland?

Poland is a republic in Europe where the economy is developed, relatively low taxes, flexible methodologies for registering firms and numerous business opportunities. Here there are all conditions to successfully manage the enterprise:

  • In Poland, you choose any suitable line of business, as this country borders the CIS and is geographically a transit state on the EU-CU route;
  • Polish registered firm is a good reason for obtaining residence status;
  • Enterprises with owners-nonresidents of Poland have the same rights as other participants in the economic activities of the country;
  • Low language barrier, because the Polish language is similar to Ukrainian.

For citizens of Ukraine this is a stable economy and a chance to conduct business honestly. Is this not the reason to begin a new life and get a useful experience to become a European entrepreneur? After all, the company registration in Europe is comfort and opening new company opportunities.

Typical scheme of company registration in Europe

  1. You need to name the enterprise, choose a convenient legal view and activities, and determine the number and personality of the founders. The company name can be selected from the list of existing firms or come up with a new original name. From the chosen legal view of enterprise depending on the initial price of registration and further conditions for the company.
  2. Get a legal address for the future organization. This procedure is best entrusted to a special service provider.
  3. Constituent documents are developed in conformity with European law and information (name, legal address, data of owners) is collected. 
  4. You need to make an official payment on a specific bank account. The size of the authorized capital varies for each European country. Money doesn’t need to be credited to an account in some countries.
  5. It remains to sign and notarize your constituent documents. Now you can start doing business after creating a bank account in a European bank.

You can get acquainted with the details about firm's registration in a particular country in Europe by contacting the professional lawyers of the Oruga Group.

The company ORUGA\GROUP offers comprehensive legal services for European company formation


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