Business immigration to Poland

A residence permit in Poland, through registration of your business in Poland 

Setting up a company in Poland is not only a prerogative of foreign businessmen, but also those who are simply interested in a guaranteed method of settling down in the EU, but not for the commercial purposes. However even for those who have never had experience in business, Poland offers very tempting conditions, and it's rather difficult to ignore them even for a person without an entrepreneurial spirit:

Benefits of immigration to Poland:

  • The foreign businessmen who set up their own business in Poland are automatically granted a residence permit;
  • A valid business visa enables foreigners to travel unhamperedly within the Eurozone like within one and the same country;
  • Foreigners are given an option of choosing any area of business and type of organization (LLC, JSC, partnership, fund, etc.);
  • The right to hire local staff or move with their own staff;
  • An opportunity to work under the simplified taxation scheme, including VAT refunds;
  • Loans with low interest rates from the most reliable banks of Europe;
  • An opportunity to acquire manufacturing/operational base for the business at the best price, including amortization of the purchase expenditures;
  • An opportunity to take part in the international trade without customs duties within the EU;
  • Foreign brands can operate in Poland on equal terms with local producers and their rights are not infringed by the state;
  • The minimum share capital required to register a company in Poland is 1200 euros – this amount is significantly less than in other EU countries.

Business immigration to Poland, a step that should be done.

The Polish government pursues an open and transparent policy regarding foreign investors - terms of this bilateral cooperation do not envisage any pitfalls that should be feared. On the contrary, the government is as interested in your prosperity as you are, since the positive business climate in the country maintains its overall stability. 

Today Poland is a multiethnic country that attracts entrepreneurs from around the world. Its geographical position is already a huge advantage for those who have decided to set up their business in the country. The fact that not all commercial sectors are fully developed shall be noted as a special advantage of Poland for implementation of their business objectives, which provides foreigners with an opportunity to take their place, and if not to become a monopolist in their field, but take up competitive positions at least.

With the achievement of even small business goals at the start of your new business in Poland, you will feel a discernible difference between the state of your affairs before moving and after. Independence and autonomy will allow you to feel confident and the ability to legally obtain high profits will bring you the real pleasure from business. This is a particular feature of Poland – where a comfortable and friendly atmosphere is created for foreigners, and they are imparted with inspiration to implement their new business ideas.

If you are interested in a business immigration to Poland and You have questions about this procedure and about every single step of this process, we will be glad to tell You about it in details. You can also send an e-mail to an address in the "contacts".


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