European company register and its benefits
The idea of business transfer abroad is not new, but it has recently developed into a real mainstream for businessmen from the CIS countries and Russia in particular. The choice in favor of the European Union can be easily substantiated by the territorial proximity and economic facilities, and the company registration by itself can be called a panacea for most of the problems faced by businessmen from the CIS companies.
A great number of the Russian business sector representatives have already experienced the benefits of living and working in the Eurozone. If you are still on the way towards making this decision, the experience of your fellow countrymen is the most obvious way possible to show you the feasibility of this idea.
Today, the company registration in Europe is not so much the start of your business activity as an opportunity to do business on a completely different scale:
EU business register;
- Europe is a huge number of potential buyers (500 million people);
- Multinational consumer audience with a variety of tastes and preferences;
- High living standards and, consequently, the high level of financial solvency of consumers;
- Sustainable interest in imported goods and foreign brands, high paying capacity;
- Working under favorable economic conditions;
Loyal state business control system (minimum restrictions in doing business, lack of unnecessary bureaucracy and transparent taxation, etc.).
A registered company in Europe will allow you to become a full-fledged member of the international trade, and even the most promising business prospects in your home country can hardly be compared to those opportunities that your own company in the EU can provide you with.
8 main reasons to registeration company in Europe
The process of business immigration definitely cannot be called simple. Despite the fact that we arrange everything efficiently and professionally from our part, registration of a company in the EU requires time and effort, though the result is worth it.
In fact, moving to Europe will imply more than eight reasons for you to be happy, but these key ones which will enable you to open up your business potential deserve special attention:
1. Visa-free transfer across the EU countries (you can travel together with your family members);
2. Registering a company in Europe (in any country) means doing business unhamperedly throughout the entire European Union, like within a single state;
3. The products that have been imported into one of the EU countries can be exported and disposed of in any other region in Europe without issuing additional certificates and permits;
4. Business Immigration Program involves automatic opening of business visas for the company founders and hired foreign employees, and further obtaining of a residence permit and permanent residence;
5. You can open a company in Europe even if you do not have sufficient financial resources to fully implement your business project; since you can take advantage of favorable lending conditions from the leading EU banks;
6. The taxation scheme in the EU, which in spite of individual features of the tax system of each country, commonly provides for the VAT return, shall be a significant advantage for foreign businesses;
7. An ability to purchase vehicles or property on behalf of the company without issuing any additional permits;
8. Guaranteed benefits package, which includes free health care and education, provided your legal economic activities and tax payment.
How to open a company in Europe with Oruga Group
So far, you can open a company in Europe remotely, without your personal presence required. With our assistance, you will be able to prepare all the documents for registration and doing business abroad, as well as get additional services to optimize its financial efficiency and legal control.
Foreign entrepreneurs can choose any convenient legal form to carry out their business activities in the European Union, so you will be able to open a company in the EU on the most favorable terms (LLC, private entrepreneur, limited partnership, corporation, partnership, etc.).
If you intend to open a business Poland, and need professional advice, please do not hesitate to contact us for an individual consultation.