Most Eastern labor migrants choose to work in Poland

The University of Warsaw undertook a study, jointly with the EWL, a report entitled “Foreign Worker in the Pandemic Era”. Through a study of Eastern Europe, university found out that almost 80% of the foreigners surveyed, most of whom (about 90%) are Ukrainians, speak positively about working in Poland. Despite the fact that for many economic migrants Poland's western neighbors, such as Germany, are more attractive to work there, many are ready to recommend Poland as a place to work to their friends and family members. Only 2.5% of the respondents do not consider the country a good place to work. Also, regardless of the nature and length of stay in Poland, about 90% of the foreigners surveyed liked it here.

In addition to Ukrainians, Belarusians also go to work from the east, who make up almost 4% of all labor migrants, then Moldovans, accounting for 3.4% of the total foreign labor force, and Georgians, representing 2% of the total number of immigrants. Representatives of other states make up no more than 1.1%.

According to an employee of EWL, Analotiy Zimnin, since the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, the flow of labor migrants has practically not been interrupted, only having decreased by about a third. During these difficult times, visiting workers also found themselves in a difficult situation, as did the Polish workers in connection with the pandemic. So, about 40% of migrants were forced to change employers, and a third even more often change their field of activity, since the spread of the coronavirus had a negative impact on many industries. Travel, hospitality, passenger transport and other industries have been hit hard by the economic changes caused by the pandemic.

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