Euro Bank S.A. Became a part of Millennium Bank Group.

The Euro bank said goodbye to its customers in Poland. Millennium Bank has gained around 1,4 million of new clients since the Euro Bank S.A. became a part of Millennium Bank Group.

As a result of the merger, the Euro Bank has disappeared from the Polish market. Clients weren't asked for additional actions. All operations were made between the two banks.

The process of data transfer wasn't easy and need the newest applications for doing this. An operational merger has been implemented on 8-11, November 2019. Currently, all new clients can successfully log in to mobile application and Internet Banking of the bank.

The Euro Bank was sold to Millennium Bank in May 2019. Bank CEO Mr. Joao Bras Jorge pointed out that thanks to this merger with Euro Bank, the Millennium Bank will keep its high place in the financial sector.

Millennium Bank S.A. is a commercial bank based in Poland and founded by the Portuguese Millennium BCP. At this moment is one of the biggest and the most important banks in Poland.


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