Planned changes in Social Security (ZUS) in 2020
The life of an entrepreneur is fraught with many difficulties, and it as well concerns businessmen in Poland. One such difficulty is the announcement of social security contributions. Not so long ago, data for 2020 was announced. Payments continue to grow for each legal employee. Unfortunately, there is some bad news for businessmen from SMEs: a large collection of contributions is being prepared.
Monthly payments are made on behalf of each employee in favor of the fund, while the amount is calculated taking into account the salary (gross) of each individual employee. Polish entrepreneurs have long tried and continue to try to convince the lawmakers that ZUS prevents them from doing business, as they would not be comfortable.
These payments are largely dependent on the projections that are given regarding wages. The government makes decisions on it every year. For example, next year, the minimum wage will increase but social insurance will also increase, as well as the average monthly remuneration. In 2020, the cost of hiring, according to experts, will be 10% higher than this year. At the same time, the pension contribution will be of about 612 PLN, a disability benefit – 250 PLN, a sickness benefit – 76 PLN, an accident – 52 PLN. The stock contribution, in this case, is 76 PLN. Do not forget about the contribution to health, because it is not subject to taxation. However, this amount has not yet been announced, because its calculation affects various factors.
Unfortunately, a small business is especially affected by this influence. It has already been announced (by Adam Abramovich) that the Prime Minister would receive a letter with an urgent desire to discuss this important issue. Abramovich insisted on the importance of changing the existing system described and admitted it to be immoral, unfair, and strangling small business, which is unacceptable in modern developing Poland.