Foreign investment in Poland: distinctive features

According to leading world analysts, Poland occupies leading places on investment the popularity and demand within the European Union. According to official sources, last year the price of foreign investment on the territory of Poland was about 12 billion euros. At the moment – this is one of the highest rates in Europe (2nd place after the Czech Republic). Therefore, invest in Poland, as it is very profitable and will bring great profits to the citizen of any country.

Investors from all over the world are of the opinion that Poland is an ideal place for large investments and development of large and small businesses. And this is not surprising, because according to the data, the 38 million market in Poland is the largest and most profitable in the European Union. The excellent location of the country in the heart of Europe, well – developed transport routes-offer good prospects for exports of goods throughout Europe.

According to the report of the world organization Ernst & Young European Attraction Survey, experts of many investment companies consider Poland one of the most profitable, reliable and safe countries for investment. Since this state is ranked 5th in Europe in terms of the number of job creation, it can be concluded that the country is constantly developing in the economic sense. Due to this, the government of the country creates favorable conditions for new investments by foreign organizations. Foreign direct investment in Poland not only significantly increased the level of employment, but also provided a stable and good salary to everyone.

Major Chinese Investment in Poland

China and Poland have long strengthened their political and economic ties. The Asian infrastructure investment Bank, which was opened at the initiative of China's leaders, helped them in this matter. The creation of this organization is caused by the need for infrastructure development in Asia. Poland is one of the 50 founding countries of the Bank.

Today, Poland plays an important role in China's foreign policy. The continuous development of friendly relations between Poland and China is primarily due to the fact that this Union is beneficial to these two States. As you know, the Polish market is one of the largest in Europe, and a favorable location opens up new investment prospects. Chinese investment on the territory of Poland in the form of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) improve the production infrastructure

How invest to commercial real state in Poland?


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