Gat EU residency by real estate investment

There is the permanent residency in Europe by investment program (RIP), that grants residency for real estate purchasing, but usually, such action requires interrupted living in that country for some time. Majority of countries grant neither residence permit nor citizenship for people who didn’t live in the country during a certain period of time.

But there are some preferences in residence providing for investors who want to buy property and live in the certain country. And if you decided to use such opportunity the European Union would be the best choice.

Seeking for countries where you might relocate by investment program, take a closer look at Poland as one of the youngest but most prospective EU members. Its location in the center of Europe and the advanced economy make this country the attractive to live, work and make business. In a word, the perfect place for property purchasing.  

How to get EU residency by investment in Poland

As mentioned, there is no direct relationship between real estate acquiring and residence permit obtaining in the majority of EU countries and in Poland particularly. But there are some ways to gain residency which similar to RIP programs. This is notably the benefits for real property owners in residence permit obtaining. Poland might be the country where you can buy a flat or a commercial realty and in time this fact will be an advantage to grant you residency.

Unlike other EU countries, you don’t need to live in Poland interruptedly for many years. We think that the best way to get residence permit by investment in Europe is to buy a real estate in Poland or even start a business there, and receive a TRP (temporary residence permit) in 2 months! That lets you travel freely over all Schengen Area and build partnerships in other EU countries, as well.

We may show you some ways to get residency by investment in Poland:

  1. Buy an apartment, a flat or a garage. It’s not the insufficient reason for your long-term presence in the country; you must work to make the case for this purpose. But it will be your advantage for Polish authorities to give you TRP to live in Poland up to 3 years.
  2. Buy a commercial real estate. It’s not enough for obtaining residency as well, but when you establish a company and your business will bear fruit, you get the residence permit without any problem.

European residency by investment with Oruga Group

Our lawyers have vast experience in obtaining either temporary or EU permanent residence by investment in Polish property. All you need to do is to contact us to get real help with property purchasing and residency obtaining. We take care of all paperwork related to a legitimization of property rights and your presence in the country.

We help you to become European property owner and resident in the shortest terms.


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